20 cents per metre

According to the WHO, more than 9500 children worldwide are victims of sexual abuse every five minutes!

Our missionary Carsten Aust has founded the Vision Help International Care Foundation (VHICF) in the Philippines, which he also manages. Through VHICF, we will create a centre where abused children can find refuge, a home and healing.

To set an example that overcoming their trauma is like climbing a very high mountain for the children, Carsten Aust and three fellow campaigners will climb Mount Everest. At the same time, they want to raise funds for the construction of the house for the victims of abuse. None of the four are professional mountaineers. Their goal is therefore not the 8849 metre high summit, but a camp at just under 6100 metres. The expedition begins on 27 March and lasts until 9 April 2024.

Make a promise
Donate 20 cents for every metre of altitude covered by the climbers and help protect children from abuse.

We will let you know how far the group has come. You can then pay in your donation via our partner organisation Nehemia with the reference "Philippines, Mount Everest". The money will then be forwarded directly to VHICF. However, any donation for the children is also welcome independently of this campaign.

You can donate here.

* Each participant bears the costs of the expedition from their own private funds.

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