Donate now
We give disadvantaged people around the world a future and help persecuted people in need. Support us in this. Together we can change things. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your support.
Your help arrives!
Your donation in any amount is welcome. Thanks to lean administration, your money arrives where you want it to be used. Your help reaches those affected, it has a direct and efficient effect. Donate concretely for a specific project, a branch of work or very gladly for »wherever it is most needed«.
We are thankful for every donation. If you donate by bank transfer, no fees will be charged and more money will be available for the projects.
Please state your address in the reason for payment if you would like to receive a donation receipt by post. If you receive your donation receipt by mail, you help us to save finances. Please contact Larissa Schmidt, l.schmidt@avc-de.org. Thank you.
Important note
Please use these abbreviations in the purpose of payment instead of mentioning the country (e.g. "Project XY in (project no.)"). Thank you very much!
- instead Iran: Project 22400
- instead Cuba: Project 40500
- instead Northkorea: Project 21200
- instead Russia: Project 11800
- instead South Sudan: Project 30900
- instead Syria: Project 22500
Donate to the following bank account
IBAN DE39 5066 1639 0007 0013 12
Are you celebrating a birthday, wedding or church service and would like to consider people who are not doing so well? It's great that persecuted Christians and those in need are so close to your heart.
If you would like to collect money for AVC, the easiest way is to set up a donation box and transfer the amount to AVC after the event. We will gladly send you brochures and material to promote your campaign.
Any questions? Eveline Würgler, Communications and Marketing, will be happy to help you.